
unique contacts

20,000 +


500 +

presenters from
all over the world






RiminiWellness Pro.Fit proposes:
one-to-one meetings between exhibitors and international buyers; training programs with seminars, workshops and conferences; focus sessions with technical presentations by the top exhibiting brands; a dedicated licensing and certification program.


Thousands of enthusiasts converge at RiminiWellness from all over the world to discover and experiment with the latest trends and innovations in the industry’s products, services, technologies and training methods.


The brand RiminiSteel puts together more than 13,000 square metres entirely dedicated to combat sports, martial arts, body-building and combines them with food supplements from all the major companies of the industry.

Foodwell Expo

FoodWell Expo completes the RiminiWellness offering, proposing a dietary style perfect for those looking for products connected with well-being, or is forced to eat quick meals, without sacrificing quality and health.  


It's dedicated to Science and Technology for Rehabilitation and Functional Re-education and addresses physiatrists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, masso-hysiothera-pists, manipulative therapists, kinesiologists, rehabilitation staff and associations. 

Pilates Junction

A long weekend of training and follow-up events offering a program of workshops from Thursday to Sunday focusing on exploring and specializing in all the fields of application of Pilates. With the best professionals in Pilates offering specific talks and workshops.

6 sections all togheter on 1 big stage

(250,000+ contacts)

The only worldclass expo showcasing the entire spectrum of the fitness industry.
Manufacturers of equipment for physical activity, gyms, schools and trade associations. Physical culture, spas and wellness. Physical rehabilitation science, dance, healthy nutrition even in combination with tourism and design.

All about trends, innovation and excellence.
RiminiWellness is the best place for you to explore new and inspiring ways of doing fitness and to try out all the latest equipment available. Anytime, any way you like.

A great chance to learn and train with a full program of seminars, workshops and demos. 
The many topics in the program offer inspiring insights on different key aspects of the industry. From marketing management to communication, from health to technical training for instructors and trainers, also with conventions offered by the leading international bodies in the industries.

ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP SpA © All rights reserved 


In occasione di RiminiWellness non perdere le sessioni di formazione di:

Giovedì 30 Maggio, ore 17:30 – 18:30
Sala Ravezzi

“Alla ricerca del business model perfetto: profittabilità e sostenibilità economica nella fitness industry italiana”

Il panel riunisce quattro influenti proprietari di fitness club della community REX italiana i quali, attraverso esperienze pratiche e strategie innovative, condivideranno approcci vincenti per affrontare le sfide del settore, offrendo spunti preziosi per il successo imprenditoriale nel mondo del fitness.

Venerdì 31 Maggio, ore 12:00 – 13:00
Sala Ravezzi

“Dietro le quinte delle grandi catene: esperienze concrete su come crearle e come difendersi”

Entra nel cuore delle grandi catene di fitness con due membri del team REX-International: Katarina Anderson (Svezia) e Paula Caleca (Portogallo).
Katarina è la founder svedese della catena STC, con 218 clubs che spaziano dai premium ai low cost super digitalizzati e zero personale. Paula Caleca è la co-founder e CEO di due diversi business models portoghesi, Gymnasium Group e l’innovativo Legend. Data la loro lunga e vasta esperienza orizzontale su diversi business model, condivideranno le loro esperienze e strategie su come effettuare aperture e prevendite di successo, generare volumi e margini significativi, nonché come differenziarsi per difendersi dagli attacchi dei low cost. Entrambe stanno testando e lanciando due nuovi ed innovativi business model di fitness club.

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